Indecision's Last Stand: How to Make Great Decisions

Indecision’s Last Stand: How to Make Great Decisions

Indecision can be one of the powerful productivity inhibitors. It can be a powerful force against projects and actions that can help move your professional and/or personal life forward. We wanted this episode to help you make great decisions and provide you with strategies and techniques to combat indecision.

(If you’re reading this in a podcast directory/app, please visit for clickable links and the full show notes and transcript of this cast.)

Enjoy! Give us feedback! And, thanks for listening!

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In this Cast | Indecision’s Last Stand

Ray Sidney-Smith

Augusto Pinaud

Art Gelwicks

Show Notes | Indecision’s Last Stand: How to Make Great Decisions

Resources we mention, including links to them, will be provided here. Please listen to the episode for context.

Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman, PhD

Systems 1 and 2 thinking processes and cognitive reflection testing in medical students

Six Thinking Hats by Edward de Bono, MD, PhD

We discussed Six Thinking Hats methodology more in Episode 053, Optimism Versus Pessimism.

Robust decisions

Uncertainty decision model

Pugh decision matrix

Sample Pugh decision matrix template (Google Sheets workbook)

(Note: Once you open the link above in your Web browser, use File > Download, or File > Make a Copy… to use this Google Sheets workbook as a template for your own decision-making.)

SWOT Analysis

Ego depletion (as explained in Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength by Roy F. Baumeister, PhD, and John Tierney)

Raw Text Transcript | Indecision’s Last Stand

Raw, unedited and machine-produced text transcript so there may be substantial errors, but you can search for specific points in the episode to jump to, or to reference back to at a later date and time, by keywords or key phrases. The time coding is mm:ss (e.g., 0:04 starts at 4 seconds into the cast’s audio).

Download a PDF of raw, text transcript of the interview here.

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