030 - Productivity Data, Part 1 - Active Tracking - ProductivityCast

030 Productivity Data – Part 1 – Active Tracking – ProductivityCast

You can track almost any kind of data and then review and reflect on that data to make informed decisions about your productive future. Most people, however, do not. Movements, like that of Quantified Self, whose tagline is “self-knowledge through numbers,” aim to help individuals track data to improve their lives in whatever way they choose. In this cast, the ProductivityCast team looks at the state of the world through the lens of active tracking (versus passive tracking, which we’ll cover in the next cast). We will talk about what active tracking is, how to be a productivity enthusiast with empowered choice, why and what to track, and how to do so with good ol’ pen and paper, or with the latest digital technologies. You don’t want to miss this conversation, so queue us up and listen as we discuss this prime topic of this hyperconnected time and Internet (of Things) Age.

Enjoy! Give us feedback! And, thanks for listening!

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In this Cast

Ray Sidney-Smith

Augusto Pinaud

Francis Wade

Art Gelwicks

Show Notes

Resources we mention, including links to them will be provided here. Please listen to the episode for context.

Quantified Self (DC Quantified Self)

Google Keep

Don’t Break the Chain




Evernote / Penultimate

Eli Finkel’s Relationship/Marriage talk, in which he discusses a Gratitude Journal


One Way to Overcome a Limit of the Quantified Self – Using Notifications

Becoming like the elite 11% who get all their tasks done each day Part 1

Can you be productive in 40 hours?

OmniTrack – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRIuENNRjEM


Habitica – (Contact Ray if you want to join the GTD Party)

GTD Productivity System in Google Sheets / Microsoft Excel template and tutorial



BulletProof Coffee


Google Fit

Apple Health

Raw Text Transcript

Raw, unedited and machine-produced text transcript so there may be substantial errors, but you can search for specific points in the episode to jump to, or to reference back to at a later date and time, by keywords or key phrases. The time coding is h:mm:ss.ms to h:mm:ss.ms (e.g., 0:00:00.000,0:00:04.000 starts at 0.00 seconds and ends at 4 seconds in the cast’s audio).

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