25/55 Productivity Accountability Technique

25/55 Productivity Accountability Technique

In this week’s episode, we are going to introduce you to a productivity accountability technique called 25/55 (named for touching base every 25 and 55 minutes of every working hour). We describe what the 25/55 productivity accountability technique is, its components and why it works, how long you should practice a technique like this, and even a discussion on automating your check-ins. We’ll close out with some tips for those who may not feel like 25/55 will work for them; you’d be surprised!

(If you’re reading this in a podcast directory/app, please visit https://productivitycast.net/108 for clickable links and the full show notes and transcript of this cast.)

Enjoy! Give us feedback! And, thanks for listening!

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In this Cast | 25/55 Productivity Accountability Technique

Ray Sidney-Smith

Augusto Pinaud

Francis Wade

Show Notes | 25/55 Productivity Accountability Technique

Resources we mention, including links to them, will be provided here. Please listen to the episode for context.

Raw Text Transcript | 25/55 Productivity Accountability Technique

Raw, unedited and machine-produced text transcript so there may be substantial errors, but you can search for specific points in the episode to jump to, or to reference back to at a later date and time, by keywords or key phrases. The time coding is mm:ss (e.g., 0:04 starts at 4 seconds into the cast’s audio).

Download a PDF of raw, text transcript of the interview here.

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